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greys anatomy

: PAST :

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007


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blogskin design by aMIDala anastAsiaNA
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Friday, February 02, 2007

Somehow this week just seemed to have passed really fast. But I think it's partly cause of the very minimal amount of work accomplished this week. haha me and cariann just turned into lazy employees and tried our best wasting as much time as possible. We actually got so bored yest we started writing lame knock knock jokes on this whiteboard in our office room and playing 'pranks'. I think it's no wonder people think we're sec sch kids sometimes.
Been giving tuition and I'd never thought I'd say this but I quite enjoy it. Like how my tuition kid looks at me and goes 'huh?'. Then I'd start speaking in super lay man terms and he ironically actually gets me. But then again, I feel like there's only so much I can do and really hopes he remembers what I teach. But I've been there before, it's just so easy to forget sometimes.
Anyway, I've been reading kite runner. It's one of those stories you can't forget and really feel for the characters. Haven't read a storybook in such a looong time but I really like this one. and it's reading stories like this I wish I could write a heart warming novel as well. Like I said, I wish. haha

Friday, January 19, 2007

Okay, now for a proper entry. Been doing powerpoint slides all day, but I would actually much rather create slides rather than photo edit and animate slides the whole time. This job is weird and mean! They only call me when they need me. haha
Anyway, I never really realized how intimidating a new job can be. There's always the prospect of having a mean boss or unwelcoming colleagues. And no, that's not the case for me right now.. Everything's fine and stuff. (pause)
Printer's driving me craazyyyy. I can't install it properly(not suprising). I'll write more stuff here some other time.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm like blogging from office. It's lunch break now and cari's trying to sleep while waiting for lunch to be served to us! hahaha
obviously i'm bored, despite the never-ending powerpoint slides. lunch's here. bye

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Just another day

It's day 3 of 2007 and I'm not at all prepared for a new year. No resolutions, no work to get done, no..nothing. It's almost weird. Anyway, can you imagine, I spent the last few hours of 2006 in front of my comp. Since my friends pangh sed and ruined my new year plans, I thought what the heck.
So much has happened and I haven't really reflected on what happened the past year. I mean, I thought for once I would reflect on 2006 and see where I've gone wrong rather than make up resolutions I hardly ever keep. heh
It's also officially the day school starts, though it doesn't apply to me. Seriously, going out today and seeing kids in school uniform..it's almost surrreal to know that school life like that has ended for me. oh and i'm jobless. I swear staying at home for another week or so would drive me up the walls. I've sent out *&&^^% no. of resumes and NO ONE REPLIES. okay, maybe not so many but rather depressing no one replies. But a lady did call me today and asked if I was interested to be a HR asst. for 2 weeks. I was like sure, but I have no idea if it's confirmed or anything like that..she basically didn't say anything else.. oh well, we'll see about that.
and prison break officially rocks! =)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


You know what's so cool about the word seriously? It can be a question as well as an answer! Like "Seriously?, Seriously!" yeah.
EVERYONE I meet now's just been asking me how the exams went. All I can say is "err..okay." Honestly, I don't know what else to say. I don't know what they expect to hear either, it's kind of an expected reply, you know?
Anyway, my internet connection's been cranky and it cuts off randomly. So no desperate housewives or greys anatomy unless some kind soul invites me to their house! heh. I think I've this really bad problem of not managing my time well. I've SOOO much time in the world now and I have no idea what to do with it. Oh, and today's the first day I actually sat down, scanned thru' classified, made a few calls and already I feel disheartened. I neeeed a job, desperately. I realized that I literally wiped out half my allowance in 2 days. And prom's coming. =x And I've nothing to do for the next 8 months.
I'm really sick of my blogskin layout which I should change SOON. Haha, well I'll try.

If not for that, I'd still be clinging on to that tiny ray of hope which could never be anyway. So I'm glad things worked out this way. Like they say, everything happens for a reason.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Oh man, this is IT.
Sigh, time reeally flies, especially so when we're having fun. It's almost unfair.. I mean, we already officially graduated. damn, wouldn't it be great if we could turn back time and relive those days. Seriously, I've had great times in both ac and cj. I remember we were blatantly breaking the school rules then by taking the forbidden lift, getting scolded and chased out but that apparently didn't stop us. haha And in cj, I was really just getting to know some of my friends better and just like that grad day had to come. whyyyyyyyyyyy?
oh well, staying home's been a BORE. And so there's the guilty pleasures, as I would like to call it to look foward to. Grey's Anatomy! and desperate housewives la, but practically everyone in the show is just mean now. Anyway, I seriously get all happy and excited to watch grey's and I have to do it when mum's not around. Guilty pleasures. Ironically the last episode I watched was about the guilt most, if not all the characters were facing. Meredith especially! haha, well at least she made a decision.. and I'm pretty sure no one has any idea what I'm talking about. oh yes and chocolates. it has endorphins and it's supposed to make you happy, so technically....... it's not that bad right..
But it is! it's just fats waiting to accumulate in your body. chocolates are evil.
and so, it's back to mugging. another entire month to endure. time's passing to fast, yet too slow rite now, you know?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ann's sad, cause she just lost her fav. watch.
Can the kind soul who picked it up report it to lost and found..
anyway, I haven't blogged for so long I almost forgot my username to log in.
oh prelims are pretty crappy, especially felt i screwed bio the worst. and maybe chem, and well, pretty much everything. I CAN'T STAND DOING PURE MATHSS. seriously, the more I do it, the more I like stats better. haha
-if only my watch could crawl back to me. I'm sure it misses me like crazy.